Bedtime has to be one of my favorite times of the day (and not just because Momma needs a break from Littles every once in a while... ;). Charlie, Clint and I have the best little nighttime routine and I find it so peaceful, sweet, and fun. We start out with bath time, which Charlie and I both love. It's especially fun now that he's graduated to the big bath tub, where he can really splash and play. We always get lots of laughs and some great conversation in the tub. :)
Here we are undressing in preparation for the bath. Outfits are typically pretty hideous (spit-up, drool, who knows what else...) by this point in the day.
The wriggly giggly baby.

Then we hop in the tup. Vitamins are generally administered at the beginning of the bath. Charlie likes them, but they can be a bit messy! :)
Then we start splashing time. It can get VERY vigorous!
After we've soaped up the body, we move to the flowing locks. Charlie thinks his foaming shampoo is best at keeping his hair shiny. Here he is making a goofy face to go with his goofy-looking suds. :)

All sudsy. I was trying to photograph his headful of suds, but it didn't quite turn out for the photo. In real life, he looks a bit like a British chancellor (with a white wig) when his hair is covered with foamy shampoo. We're just perfecting the accent...
Toweling off always brings lots of laughs (and tickles--how could you resist that chubby little neck??).

All clean!
Relaxing with some good music and conversation before bed.
Sweet boy.
Then he gets some stories and some rocking. Daddy reads the best stories while Charlie stares very intently at his books. He loves reading--hopefully this will continue!

Hi Mom! Why are you interrupting our quiet story time?
Good night Charlie!
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