Charlie, Evie and Ford

Charlie, Evie and Ford

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

QT with Papa & Ahh (and other random events)

My mom drove up to Dallas with the Reeds, and ended up staying for a few days afterwards to help out and have some fun.  We had a great time with her, and my dad came up to spend the weekend and retrieve her, so that was really fun as well.  I feel like I am such a better parent when my parents are around.  They are really good with the kids and have so much fun with them (and my kids are really good when they are around as a result), and I feel like they help me relax, live in the moment, and just enjoy my babies.  You don't realize until you have kids what a gift that is!

Charlie had a picnic with Ahh while Evie worked on tummy time.  No one loves a picnic as much as Charlie.  Evie was not quite as thrilled with our outdoor mom had her in tummy-time bootcamp during her stay, as I've been a little lax in that department. :)
This boy LOVES his new swings!
So over tummy time.

We had a busy Saturday, beginning with a trip to the kids' school carnival (Charlie is going to school two days/week and Evie one day/week in the fall).  It was an amazing carnival, with 5 different bounce structures, a train, hamburgers, and ponies with sparkly manes and tails.  Charlie is going to be sorely disappointed when he gets to school in the fall and realizes it's not like this every day!
Charlie loved this jumping castle...
...but REALLY loved this slide.  Charlie was so funny on it.  He went up and down so many times, and got sillier and sillier each time.  He watched the big boys very closely, and soon was copying them by jumping in the air at the top of the slide, landing hard, and then shooting down.  We were all dying laughing watching him.  He has no fear! (and is definitely not my child. :)
Here comes Charlie!

While Papa and I chased Charlie around, Ahh and Evie enjoyed some quality time. :)

Charlie also loved the bungee trampoline.  I was a little nervous when the guy started flipping him, but Charlie thought it was amazing.

We did not think we'd get him out of the obstacle course.  Just before he got back to the end each time, he would turn around and run back through the other way.  I had to coax him out with promises of a snack... :)

The kids were worn out after the carnival, and took long naps when we got home.  We had a block party that afternoon that was also so much fun.  I forgot my camera, but we had another bounce house and slide, and two fire engines!  Charlie had so much fun and could not believe his bounce house luck.  We have been in detox ever since. :)

In other news, Charlie has his two-year doctor appointment coming up, and so we are "practicing" in preparation (due to a growing fear of shots and doctors, the last few visits have been a little rough).  Charlie has been loving listening to heartbeats and coughs with his stethoscope and giving shots (poor Evie has been vaccinated more times than I can count this week).

This is a random photo, but Charlie's highchair turns into a child chair, so he's been using it as a chair for a while now.  Since Evie is starting to eat solids, we decided it was time that she had a chair, so we transitioned Charlie to a booster and Clint turned Charlie's chair back into a highchair.  Charlie LOVES any "fix-it" job around the house, and he was very "helpful" during this process (poor Clint--every time I walked by, I heard "Cargie's turn," and saw Charlie wrestling tools away from Clint :).  Evie was thrilled with it as well, and loves her new chair.  Can't you tell?
That concludes my random, rambling post.  If you're still reading, thanks for your loyalty. :)

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