Between dealing with this crazy heat (108 today!), sweet Charlie, pregnancy, home-purchasing issues, and apartment-living issues, some days seem a tiny bit onerous lately. Today just happened to be one of those days. I was dealing with mortgage and inspection/repair issues all morning, and was so glad for playgroup this afternoon to get some time to relax and visit with some of my friends. Charlie, however, wasn't so into the "relaxing" part of playgroup. Instead, he was intent on destroying the host's home. Therefore, this happened to be one of my favorite moments of the peace:

When I got home, I was preparing dinner and talking to Clint on the phone about our respective days. I was starting to feel a bit calmer as I got our food prepared and felt like things were finally getting under control: dinner was underway, Charlie was playing quietly (first hint of a problem), and Clint was on his way home. I then realized that Charlie was playing a little TOO quietly and decided to investigate. I found him hiding behind his slide with a jar of cocoa in his hands, dumping it on the floor and stuffing it into his mouth. He--and the carpet--were a total mess! Here's the mess he left behind on the carpet...

...and the little mess himself!

Charlie was QUITE proud of himself. And pretty hilarious during his bath. I think he was on a cocoa high and as a result, he was the silliest I've seen him in a while. He was fake sneezing and then dying laughing for about 5 minutes of the bath... :)

I am realizing that Charlie playing quietly is usually not a good thing. Yesterday, I was on the phone with our mortgage broker and thought Charlie was reading quietly in his room. Instead, he had made his way into our bedroom, found our files, and decided to scatter our tax returns and financial documents from the past 4 years all over the bedroom. Again, he was quite proud of himself, and I got the fun task of piecing 4 years of financials back together again (while Charlie did his best to thwart me--giggling the whole time :). Although we love our little apartment, I am ready to get into a child-proofed house!
[And this day really wasn't all that bad. Charlie redeemed himself 110% when I asked for a hug and he laid his little head down on my shoulder and patted my back. Oh Charlie, you can do no wrong!]
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