We had a busy, wonderful Memorial Day weekend. We were in Houston on Friday for Uncle Sam's graduation (see below), and we headed home on Saturday to finalize a contract on our house (yay!) and start looking at new homes in earnest. Clint helped Sam and Audra move their furniture into their new house on Saturday night, and then Sunday, we treated ourselves to a day of fun.
Charlie looked pretty cute in his Memorial Day (/4th of July--if it still fits :) outfit.

I love those chubby little legs. :)

First, we went to a lunchtime BBQ/swim party. Clint ate his first sausage wrap and first hot dog of the day, and Charlie took a nice swim. Charlie LOVED the water this time--he splashed and shrieked the entire time he was in the pool. :)

Next, we hit up at afternoon BBQ hosted by a couple in our Sunday School class. Charlie loved playing with all of his church friends and Clint tackled his third and fourth hot dogs of the day. Charlie was a little obsessed with this basketball--he guarded it protectively the entire time we were at the party, and was quite upset when we had to leave it.

After we took Charlie home for dinner and a bath, we left him (still a bit red-faced and exhausted) with a baby sitter and headed over to the Stevens' for a bittersweet farewell party for the Marrses, who are moving to Houston in a few weeks. We hate to see John and Caroline go--I am already looking forward to the time when they will back in Dallas again! :)
We had a wonderful dinner al fresco, thanks to Matt's trusty smoker. Luckily, no more hot dogs for Clint--he moved on to brisket and ribs. :)

The Carter girls with the "blastoff to Houston" pinata.

We were tired by the end of the day Sunday, but loved our fun-filled weekend!