We spent last weekend in Seguin, celebrating Sam & Audra's engagement and enjoying family. I love weekends like this when so many of our family members are in town--it makes small town life so fun! On Friday night, we went out to eat at the Gristmill (a favorite of ours as it was the site of our rehearsal dinner :) with my family and Audra and her parents. Charlie even got to join in on the outing and loved it. He was quite well behaved and enjoyed all the attention he got at dinner--especially from his doting Papa. :)

The happy couple.

Another happy couple... :)

Charlie got a little antsy toward the end of the meal. I think everyone took a turn walking him through the restaurant, which made the meal quite relaxing for me!

On Saturday, the boys went out to the ranch. Papa let Charlie help him drive his truck. Luckily, he's been practicing his driving in the car carts at Central Market.

The big party for Sam & Audra was on Saturday night. Charlie stayed behind, but we took a picture with him before we left. This is Charlie BEFORE his realized he wasn't going with us...

The party was out at our cabin, which was such a great venue. It has never looked prettier, thanks to all the work my Mom and Aunt Dede put into the decorating. I love the antique Valentine's cards they put on the mantle.

The cake table...

The party planner putting the finishing touches on everything...

And Sam and Audra arrive!

Future sisters. :)

Audra's sweet sister, Jennifer, flew in from Amarillo for the party.

The lovely Moore women.

On Sunday, we did our final visiting around Seguin. The Reeds came over for a visit and, as usual, Charlie was thrilled to see them and to have all the excitement that comes with them. He was very interested in Baby Katie, but she was not so sure she wanted his grubby little fingers all over her. :)

Smiling at Jack and Julia...

On Sunday evening, we took Charlie for a tour of Seguin. The little prince wouldn't stay in his stroller, so he got the royal treatment.

We walked by my parents' first house in Seguin. Isn't it the cutest thing??

Obligatory shots on the world's largest pecan...

This is what Charlie does when we tell him to make his "cute face." :)

We also made a stop at the fountain. We couldn't get Charlie to look away from it for a photo. :)

And, finally, we had to visit old Juan Seguin himself.

Clint came back to Dallas on Sunday and Charlie and I followed him on Monday (Valentine's Day). We were greeted by the most fabulous spread of gifts--Charlie and I got a bike trailer, Charlie got a helmet, I got a wonderful tray of sweets, and beautiful flowers. We still can't figure out how Clint got all of this done after arriving back in Dallas late on Sunday night, but we felt very special!

Someone isn't quite so sure about his helmet yet...we're hoping it grows on him. :)

What a wonderful weekend!