Charlie, Evie and Ford

Charlie, Evie and Ford

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Better Than An Amusement Park

Charlie has had a lifelong dream of changing a flat tire (really).  I have had to describe, in excruciating detail, the process of changing a tire to him countless times (and undoubtedly got several details wrong, since I've never actually changed a tire on my own...don't tell Charlie :).  Charlie is forever on the lookout for flat tires, and is always quick to alert people when their tires are a bit low on air.  So when Clint's rental car got a flat tire, one member of our household was absolutely thrilled.  We had to run out and look at it several times, and when Papa and Ahh showed up for the weekend, we just couldn't wait for Daddy to get home from work--we had to change it!  You would have thought we told Charlie we were headed to Disney World from all the happy shrieking. :)

Here he is watching very carefully.  Charlie has a very long attention span for things that fascinate him, and he was completely entranced during this entire experience.  He especially liked that Papa explained everything he was doing and entrusted Charlie with the oh-so-important lug nuts.
 C, demonstrating his laser-like focus.
 The jack was another source of great fascination.
 Sooooo happy!
 The other tiny member of our family was not so interested in the whole tire-changing experience.  She knew something fabulous was going on, just couldn't figure out why everyone was so focused on an old tire!
 Is Charlie ready to play yet?
 First successful tire change complete!  These two boys were soooo proud.  Evie's not quite sure what the purpose of this photo is, but she was determined to be in it. :)
 On that same weekend, Evie became obsessed with wearing hats, and now is insisting to wear her Iowa State hat (thank you Papa!) every time we leave the house.  She also loves a "pony" and a "bow," so it's getting a bit crowded under the hat. :)  Evie loves to pick her own outfits and both kids really like to pick their own shoes.  A sample of their self-selected outfits below:
 C'mon, Mom!  We're all ready to go!

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